Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What should I do?

Yesterday we were having assembly. I was the last person of my class. Not FUN at all la ah po~ lied me d~ Want to talk also cant! But I saw.. B~ 1~ and ... . HAHA! Happy! Happy!

It has been a very long time I didnt go to take buku ponteng with Liang le. Im still thinking whether wanna to go or dont go after that . I think I wont.. =/ But I will continue my 'Morning Walk'. Hehe. Today didnt see her many times. No chance to see her also. Not the same recess time. LOL. Havent finish my homework-s yet! DIE-ing. Essay, Geography Project, Sejarah Project and many many more.. How to finish them? Im soo lazy! Tomorrow somemore need to stay at school until 3.45pm.. will suffer lack of time soon! ><

Anyone please tell me.. What should I do?


Saturday, March 28, 2009


Actually nothing special happened on this day. I stayed on Wednesday because I have PRS meeting. Quite bored la today's meeting. Just sat in classroom and listened the teacher talked 'story'. I kept watching my watch.. hope the time past faster and I almost fall asleep~ == But just because the teacher keep talking talking talking so we didnt need to have our presentation! HAHAHAHA. I saw Her and B after the meeting. B soo cute la. kakax. Nobody knows who's the B. Except one of my friend. ^^

Today I had skipped hockey practice. But I stayed at school until 3pm. Saw her. She went home at 2pm. We followed behind her when she walked to outside the canteen. LOL. I can see her......d ar~ But.. PeiXuan a~ You appeared at the wrong time a~ I LOST THE CHANCE! Aikss.. suen bah. Not all your fault also. TT Wait till next time only see lu. Please.. I knew it's Lame. HEHE. xD

What a Bad Day I have today. Many bad things happened to me. Haih~ Dont talk so much le. =[
Next Friday. Waiting for it..


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It has been quite a long time didnt update my blog le. The reason is I was lazy to blog during the holidays and I have nothing special to blog too. Okay, lets talk what I have done during past dew days~

The holidays start.. I started my 'jouney' of watching tv serial. I had finished watching two series during holidays and finished 34 episodes within two days. Which mean, I finished watching 10+ episodes in one day. LOL. The homeworks of holidays were pile up like a mountain. I didnt bother about them and just enjoyed my holidays with watching tv, online, eat and drink. At last, I did them two days before the holidays ended. That's why I gave my mum scolded like hell. Oh ya! and the folio of geography too! I finished it before the day teacher want it. Mean on Monday. I was rushing like mad to complete the kawasan kajian and kaedah kajian. But too bad, nobody help me. TT

Yesterday. Monday
School started. I went to school with Happy mood. Someone know why. HAHA. Then ho, my friend asked me whether I miss her or not? I said.. 'If I say no feeling, you believe?' My friend shook her head and said 'Really ma? not believe lo' ==. Recess~ Recess~ Recess~ She shocked me. Guess why. I was talking with my friend about someone and her. Suddenly! I saw her standing apposite me beside the basin there. She was dutying la. Then she walked nearer and nearer towards me here. I shouted [sure not loud loud one. X)] and started to run. HAHAHAHA. Syok-nya~ xD

Today. Tuesday
cut Cut CUT!!!!! Kaka. xDD

Im going to finish off my colouring.



Friday, March 20, 2009


Know what's that?
Who got eat this before?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Part 2

Part 2:





5。題目:又 又







老師批語:我死了算了 @@

Enjoy yourself.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Part 1

Long time didnt update my blog.
Course Im lazy to blog.
And I have nothing to post too.
So today I want to share some 'lame things' with you all.
Here you go..


01.有一隻熊走過來             有備而來(有bear來)
02. 第十一本書               不可思議( book11)
03. 哪一種蝙蝠不用休息           不修邊幅(不休蝙蝠)
04.. 一個人被刷成金色            一鳴驚人(一名金人)
05. 羊停止了呼吸              揚眉吐氣(羊没吐氣)
06.手機不可以掉到馬桶裡          機不可失(濕)
07.小玉對小明說她爸爸性無能        欲罷不能(玉爸不能)
08.狗過了獨木橋就不叫了          過目不忘(過木不汪)
09.蜜蜂停在日曆上             風和日丽(蜂和日曆)
10.兩個男人坐在石頭上           一石二鳥
11.一群女人在聊天             無稽之談(無雞之談)
12.一群人拿雞蛋砸槍            槍林彈雨(槍淋蛋雨)
13..畫家喜歡畫粗的繩子不喜歡畫細的繩子   出神入化(粗繩入畫)
14.搬建中的鋼琴              一見鍾情(移建中琴)
15..拿筷子吃飯               膾炙人口(筷至人口)
16.雞與鴨的對話              雞同鴨講
17.一百零一了               一了百了
18.有十隻羊,九隻蹲在羊圈,一隻蹲在豬圈   抑揚頓挫(一羊蹲錯)
19.羊打電話給老鷹,老鷹接起電話說 喂    陽奉陰違(羊phone 鷹 喂)
20.誰家? 有電話?             天衣 (天衣無縫 phone)
21.誰最了解鳥類?             驚弓(驚弓之鳥)知鳥
22.古人為什麼要臥冰求鯉?         冰冰有鯉(禮)
23.為什麼公馬跑的比母馬快?        快馬加鞭
24.為什麼帽子髒了要翻面再戴?       張冠李戴(髒冠裡戴)
25.為什麼剛出生的小孩就死了?       出生入死
26.什么动物没有方向感 —— 麋鹿 迷路
27.為什麼老師從小就叮嚀我們要珍惜四支箭? 光陰似箭(四箭)
28. 為什麼附中?               胎死腹中(附中)
29.怎樣讓鴨子不會飛走?          插一隻翅膀給牠(插翅難飛)
30.怎樣使麻雀安靜下來?          壓牠一下(鴉雀無聲 壓雀 無 聲)
31. 那位古人跑的最快? 曹 操 说 曹操曹操就到
32.哪一種蛇有很多嘴巴?          七嘴八舌(蛇)
33.. 洗臉的叫臉盆 那 洗手的呢?       金 盆(金盆洗手)
34.喝哪一種果汁最辛苦?            絞盡腦汁
35. 在地獄的斷頭台看得到什麼?        鬼 頭鬼腦
36.神的交通工具是什么? 宝贝 神 奇(骑)宝贝
37. 如何分辨香肉店與狗肉店的不同?     狗肉店店門口會掛羊頭(掛羊頭賣狗肉)
38.什么动物可以贴在墙上? 海豹(报)贴在墙壁上
39.什么颜色最会模仿? 红 (磨坊)模仿
40. 星星有多重?              8 公克 ( starbucks 星八克)
41. 溜馬隊的miller死了以後會變什麼?    彌 勒佛
42.為什麼' 七上八下'七在八的上面?     (超 欠打的~~)因為 八在七的下面
43. 為什麼你看不到上帝的老二?       天機不可洩漏(天雞)
44.哪一首歌歌詞有 '李玟 '?        月亮代表我的心( 李 玟我愛你有多深.... )
45.什么鸡最慢? 尼 可 基 德曼
46. 哪一種蛇生命力最強?           三吋不爛之舌(蛇)
47.為什麼冰山只有一角 ?           另 一隻腳被鐵達尼號撞斷了
48.為什麼漢子不出門?           因為 出 了門就變 門 外漢
49.辣妹什么地方最香? 腊 梅处处香
50.最排斥你的人是谁? 大肠,因为你是大便 ..
51.av女优最喜欢周华健的什么歌—— 亲亲我的宝贝
52.会大便的面是什么 —— 拉面
53. 小男孩子小便,打一歌名? 陶 哲(吉吉)(掏鸡鸡)
54.猴子最讨厌什么线? 并 行线,因为没有相交(香蕉)
55.象皮、老虎皮、狮子皮哪一个比较差? 象 皮,因为橡皮擦(象皮差)
56. 狼、老虎和狮子谁玩游戏一定会被淘汰? 狼,因为:桃太郎(淘汰狼)
57.孔子有三位徒 ****贡. 子路.和子游 ,请问哪一位不是人? 子 路,因为指鹿为马(子路为马)58.布跟纸怕什么 ? 不怕一万只怕万一 (布怕一万纸怕万一)
59. 麒麟飞到北极会变成什么? 冰 淇淋(冰麒麟)
60.星星 .月亮. 太阳哪一个是哑巴? 星星,因为:鲁冰花歌中有一句「天上的 星星不说话」
61.铅笔姓什么? 萧, 因为:削(萧)铅笔
62. 马、虎、狼三种动物,请问是谁把龙藏起来了呢? 狼,因为:卧虎藏龙( wolf藏龙
63.为什么蚕宝宝很有钱? 因 为.....蚕会结茧 (节俭 )
64.蝴蝶, 蚂蚁, 蜘蛛 , 蜈蚣, 哪一个没有领到酬劳? 蜈蚣,因为:无功(蜈蚣)不受禄
65.哪为历史人物最欠扁? 苏 武,因为:苏武牧羊北海边(被海扁)
66. 有位媽媽生了連體嬰,姊姊叫瑪丽,那麼妹妹叫做什麼-- 夢 露 瑪 丽蓮(連)夢露

[Part 2 will post by tomorrow.] =)

Friday, March 13, 2009


Me became darker already?! How come..
Its because yesterday hockey practice.
Stood under the HOT SUN for 2 hours leh.
Today morning I only found out that both of my hands become dark dark already.
Yo~! Now my hands got 'two colours' le!
Then after I went home today.. My mum asked me why my face so dark one?
I was like.. What the hell?! Face also got dark liao meh?
Today didnt meet her.
Yesterday.. after school saw her in the canteen there.
But after I changed my Pj-T jau didnt see her le.
Okok.. Dont talk so much about her. Just forget about it.
Holiday luuuu.
Happy? *Thinking*

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Today took class photo. I smile dao.. dont know how to describe.
But I think me will looks very weird in that photo.
When we were adjusting out uniform.. suddenly she appears in the hall.
I was sitting in front. She saw me? I dont know. I just looked at her.
Today have PRS meeting. So funny la those committees.
They went out and introduced themselves.. some of them had forgotten want to say so just simply say something nonsense.
But that scene make all of us laugh.
The sky was dark.. then suddenly it rain very very VERY heavily!
After the meeting still raining heavily.. and strong wind blew.
My whole body was wet when I was on the way back to take my bag in canteen!
Everywhere in school was flooded~ The corridol full with rain water.
Even at the canteen there also got a bit 'banjir'..
Many people were in the canteen that time.. Guess why?
Because.. there are many Little Crockcroach "swimming" on the floor full with water.
You can see them everywhere in the canteen.. the floor.. the table and the bench.
The girls stood on the bench and screamed as loud as they could!
Later 'Ji Ding' came and scolded them. She called them dont want to see if scared.
So horrible la when raining in afternoon section!
Last time also dont have so horrible..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I really didnt see Her.. REALLY REALLY didnt see her.
Once also didnt have.
My friends said me looks H A P P Y today?
I laughed. Dont know why.. today's lesson make me laugh non-stop.
Then I told my friend..
Although I looked happy.. but my heart was Hurt.
If I dont laugh.. then I will be look down all day in school.
So.. I will try to laugh more in school d la.
And.. thanks to all my friends that care about me.
Tomorrow will have class photo taking section.
I want to sit beside Liang~ LOL

Monday, March 9, 2009


So fast.. one day past.
I had scared her? or MAYBE?
If really.. I apologize.
I know.. I shouldnt be so fast to ask her about it.
She also no need to reject me so direct ma..
aikss. Suen.
Will feel embarass tomorrow?
Just hope it wont be..






If I really scared You.


Sunday, March 8, 2009


Today.. She online.
I said Hello to her.. then we started to chat.
She REJECTED me! I asked can I be her XX then she rejected me!
How could she?!
I'd waited her to online for such a long time to ask her..
I thought she will accept it but she didnt.
Argh! I shouldnt ask her so fast..
Well.. she need to know me well only can.
Okay, I wont ask her that question again.

Conclusion is..



Saturday, March 7, 2009


Nothing want to post.
Just want to tell..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

有时, 你越想念 上天就偏偏不让彼此相见.

时间会安排 等到适合的时间. 它, 就会来临 让你和她相遇 这就是缘分 也表示要去好好珍惜它. 假如不能相遇 就表示你和她真的没有缘.

虽然等待是一种痛苦.. 但, 不等也等了这么久. 哪~ 为何不继续等下
去呢? 难道最后的疼爱真的是手放开吗? 可是, 想想看.. 舍得吗?

有谁能告诉我 我应该继续等下去吗?

虽然知道 放弃 是不可能的事 可是 却有点不想再等下去



Today English Teacher really didnt enter the class leh!
Luckily! I know.. I know.. I need to face it tomorrow also.
But at least today I still can have a HAPPY day after school.

Having FUN in the hockey practice today.
Learnt a lot of basic skills.
Soo tired.. the hands so 'suan' now.
The "Bacteria" senior quite good la.. although she was a bit strict.

I met Her.. At somoewhere.. Then we passed by each other.
I go up she go down. I looked at her and she looked at me. =))
I sit in front of her table in canteen.. facing her.
Awww~ my hands keep shivering that time!
And I was thinking.. how good if she can recognize me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


The interview finally is over!
Phew~ It only wasted me 5 minutes for the interview.
So fast right? HAHA. I answered them as short as I can.
Until they geleng their head.
The last question they asked me was.. "Will you think you will be qualified as the PRS member?"
I thinked for some seconds.. then I answered them.. "I think cannot GUA."
I dont know whether it will success or not.. but finally is OVER!

Oh today..
The last day she having exam. So? Will she online?
I saw.. Her friendster "Last Login:24 hours" in the evening.
___________________P A S T____________________
Just forget about it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


YAY! Exam is finally FINISHED!
But.. Im worrying with my results!
Science.. English.. KH...
OMG! I got quite many Questions dont know how to do!
Especially English! I know my english is bad!
Luckily tomorrow no english lesson! If not I sure will get scold by teacher.

Tomorrow got PRS meeting.
ARGH! Interview about what d?
Why tomorrow interview? Next week only interview ma!

Tomorrow I need to go tuition~ Sooo rush ar!
After exam still got many things need to do.

She tomorrow still got exam.
After that will she online? I wanna ask her something leh.
Dont know she will accept it or not.